Time for another installment of early morning rant by yours truly/allegedly.
As a single guy I often converse with single girls, interact, socialize, even go on dates with them occasionally. Doing this for a period of years has taught me a few things and is the reason for my dating philosophy. I'll go through a breakdown and explain my reasoning as I go.
First and foremost men, you must know that some of us....are assholes. Every girl you talk to will tell you a (singular because I'm an optimist) "horror story" of a past relationship and how that makes her cautious with each new suitor. You may be on a white steed in glistening armor with a broom for a sword ready to sweep her off her feet but be warned, you are the devil in her eyes until you prove yourself different. I'm not saying this is 100%, but it's a safe bet for about 90%.
Second, from the moment you ask her out she has you by the balls (figuratively). It is your job to make HER happy. Put your needs aside and replace them with your checkbook because happiness eats dollars regardless of what any woman says. Sure they say "Oh I don't need fancy things, I'm happy just watching tv and cuddling". Try that shit for a month or two and see how fast she dumps your ass. It's all about her, all the time.
Third, you are most likely in competition with at least 1-2 other guys until she calls you "boyfriend". This will cause you to try your damndest, fall behind in school/work, stop seeing your friends, etc. It will take every ounce of strength to win this dream girl and once you do....you have to keep trying just as hard or she'll think you don't care anymore.
Fourth and final point....all of my previous points are bullshit. Now to explain why.
In my experience, every girl has had a "horror story". Most were exagerated/fabritated to receive sympathy and attention. Know the difference because some are true and those chicks are unpredictable. She'll still be cautious because she is actually afraid of getting hurt but she doesn't realize...there's only 2 ways a relationship can end: breaking up or marriage.
Women want to be pampered. Society has hammered this into them like a necrophiliac into a dead horse. Some require more than others but they ALL need it whether they'll admit to it or not. Don't get me wrong, I like doing it occasionally. Seeing a smile when they're pleased with what I've aquired for them is awesome. However, I RARELY pay for dates anymore, at least at the beginning stages it's either dutch or it's on her. This also rolls into my third point.
Dating, for some, is a game. Girls are the masters of this game, pitting guys against guys to see who is the better in all categories (personality, looks, money) constantly to increase their chances of getting what they want out of it. To make sure the one you're after isn't one of these self righteous hookers (exchanging money or goods for sexual favors), get them to pay for one of the dates to make sure they're just as invested as you are. If you aren't leading in points, she'll most likely shoot you down faster than a plane in enemy airspace. Cursing and namecalling will probably ensue as well. If she's truly interested she might label you as "cheap" for a short period of time, but she's interested, she'll stick around to see what happens.
Guys need to view dating as an investment and look at it in a somewhat logical sense. This is a market with multiple buyers all bidding on the same thing, meaning you DO in fact need to make an effort. On the flipside, don't put more into it than you expect get out of it because it's a 50/50 chance it will either pay off or be a waste of time and money. Relationships are an emotional and financial investment and if the other person isn't as into it as you are, someone's heart is getting broken and you'll realize that a couple hundred dollars (roughly/at least) has just been wasted. Although if you are in fact in love, disregard everything I've just said because you abandoned logic the day you said those 3 magic words.
Allahu Akbar....Goodnight
As a single guy I often converse with single girls, interact, socialize, even go on dates with them occasionally. Doing this for a period of years has taught me a few things and is the reason for my dating philosophy. I'll go through a breakdown and explain my reasoning as I go.
First and foremost men, you must know that some of us....are assholes. Every girl you talk to will tell you a (singular because I'm an optimist) "horror story" of a past relationship and how that makes her cautious with each new suitor. You may be on a white steed in glistening armor with a broom for a sword ready to sweep her off her feet but be warned, you are the devil in her eyes until you prove yourself different. I'm not saying this is 100%, but it's a safe bet for about 90%.
Second, from the moment you ask her out she has you by the balls (figuratively). It is your job to make HER happy. Put your needs aside and replace them with your checkbook because happiness eats dollars regardless of what any woman says. Sure they say "Oh I don't need fancy things, I'm happy just watching tv and cuddling". Try that shit for a month or two and see how fast she dumps your ass. It's all about her, all the time.
Third, you are most likely in competition with at least 1-2 other guys until she calls you "boyfriend". This will cause you to try your damndest, fall behind in school/work, stop seeing your friends, etc. It will take every ounce of strength to win this dream girl and once you do....you have to keep trying just as hard or she'll think you don't care anymore.
Fourth and final point....all of my previous points are bullshit. Now to explain why.
In my experience, every girl has had a "horror story". Most were exagerated/fabritated to receive sympathy and attention. Know the difference because some are true and those chicks are unpredictable. She'll still be cautious because she is actually afraid of getting hurt but she doesn't realize...there's only 2 ways a relationship can end: breaking up or marriage.
Women want to be pampered. Society has hammered this into them like a necrophiliac into a dead horse. Some require more than others but they ALL need it whether they'll admit to it or not. Don't get me wrong, I like doing it occasionally. Seeing a smile when they're pleased with what I've aquired for them is awesome. However, I RARELY pay for dates anymore, at least at the beginning stages it's either dutch or it's on her. This also rolls into my third point.
Dating, for some, is a game. Girls are the masters of this game, pitting guys against guys to see who is the better in all categories (personality, looks, money) constantly to increase their chances of getting what they want out of it. To make sure the one you're after isn't one of these self righteous hookers (exchanging money or goods for sexual favors), get them to pay for one of the dates to make sure they're just as invested as you are. If you aren't leading in points, she'll most likely shoot you down faster than a plane in enemy airspace. Cursing and namecalling will probably ensue as well. If she's truly interested she might label you as "cheap" for a short period of time, but she's interested, she'll stick around to see what happens.
Guys need to view dating as an investment and look at it in a somewhat logical sense. This is a market with multiple buyers all bidding on the same thing, meaning you DO in fact need to make an effort. On the flipside, don't put more into it than you expect get out of it because it's a 50/50 chance it will either pay off or be a waste of time and money. Relationships are an emotional and financial investment and if the other person isn't as into it as you are, someone's heart is getting broken and you'll realize that a couple hundred dollars (roughly/at least) has just been wasted. Although if you are in fact in love, disregard everything I've just said because you abandoned logic the day you said those 3 magic words.
Allahu Akbar....Goodnight