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Friday, March 22, 2013

Christian Nation Crock of Shit

I can't count how many times I've heard America referred to as "a Christian nation".  Every time I hear it I just want to reach out and slap whoever was a big enough idiot to mutter the words.  Why would a country founded on religious freedom ever claim to be sponsored by only one?  Saying the nation belongs to one religious doctrine is ignorant and vain.  Now here's why.

Let's start it off by simply applying Christian beliefs.  Life begins at conception, yet so many "Christians" are pro-choice.  Some take the passive-aggressive route and claim they believe it's wrong, but women should still have the right to choose.  By that logic, I should be able to choose a stranger at random and strike them down without repercussion.

Murder is wrong regardless of reasons, yet we still have the death penalty.  We go to war with other countries for their resources and call it a "holy war".

We're beginning to take God out of our pledge of allegiance.  Most television networks censor the word "God".  Prayer is being taken out of schools.  We have legal prostitution.  Our culture promotes drunkenness.  Sex sells, etc. etc.

Personally, I couldn't be happier that we aren't a Christian nation.  I hate being badgered daily by various denominations.  There's so many, and they differ in the smallest ways in so many things and claim truth.  I grew up Catholic from kindergarten through my senior year of high school, and no I did not have a Fr. Badtouch.  All it taught me was intolerance, hatred and fear, despite what the clergy tells you.  Sure religion can be a great source for morals, but when you tell a child he can't take a candy bar without paying for it or he'll spend his entire existence after death in pain, torture and hell-fire ..I begin to question your motives.  People should not do certain things because those things are wrong and hurt others, not because they'll "burn for eternity".  Not until I opened my mind to new things did I realize how horrible Christianity truly is.  I cleared almost my entire list of mortal sins in one afternoon without stepping foot in a confessional.

Do this, feel bad or go to hell.  Judge people for their beliefs and practices, raise your noses at them and walk away or worse, try to "save" them.  Completely ignore or misinterpret MASSIVE amounts of scripture to suit your individual beliefs.  Condemn others for their lifestyle choices and become aghast when one returns the favor.

This is what Christianity in America has become.  In a country founded on freedom of religion, I happily hold allegiance to none.

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