Now before we get started let me clarify. I'm not talking the medieval knighted Sir. This is about the 1950's American Sir. The man with a good suit and a firm handshake. A man among men, and not "overly manly man". This is the needle in the haystack in modern society.
Here is my further explanation of what, in my opinion, deems a man a "sir" or "gentleman".
As I stated, this man should have at least one good quality and well-fitting suit that can be worn for any occasion. You can do anything with a black suit, so we'll go with that. Develop a relationship with a good tailor and their work will do wonders for your confidence and first impressions. He should dress to impress wherever he goes. This doesn't necessarily mean always wear a suit, but don't go to a social function in lounge clothes.
This man has a firm handshake. I've grasped many hands in my 24 years and quickly learned the many different grips. For the love of all that is holy do not try to give me a limp, lifeless hand. There are no words for how much I hate this. There is such a thing as "too strong". Do not strangle or crush my hand, this isn't a contest. Don't grip too early and crush my fingers. A good handshake should lock at the thumbs, there is no debating this. None of that warrior, grab the forearm crap. I don't have a knife up my sleeve, stop it. Try to squeeze more with the center of the hand rather than the fingers. Grasp with the fingers, squeeze with the palm.
A gentleman doesn't waste time on those who waste theirs. This extends anywhere from the people who complain at work and do nothing, to those that stay home glued to the TV or computer accomplishing nothing. Now I don't mean don't be friends with these people, but don't invest in them. They will eventually drag you down and demotivate you.
He gives women the respect they deserve. No ladies, this doesn't mean he automatically respects you. If you dress like a whore, he's wasting his time even talking to you. Although he should still hold a door or let you take his seat if there are no others, and yes, you should thank him. There is a difference between common courtesy and respect. If a woman respects herself, she earns the respect of a gentleman.
Now to the whole point of this blog.
With the gradual demoralization of society, increasing population, decline of adolescent education, this man has slowly worked his way into "endangered" territory. Employers now require you to spend $60,000+ to get a piece of paper called a "degree" that usually teaches you nothing about your eventual job. Only the big wigs wear suits to the office and no one shakes hands unless it's an old company still run with "boy's club" ethics.
A disgustingly large portion of society is on welfare with no intent of finding gainful employment. Either that, or they are content working dead end jobs and living in a small apartment and calling themselves "minimalists". They get off work and spend countless hours playing Call of Duty or WOW or some other pointless game.
With the constant onslaught of pop culture talking about drinking, dancing, sleeping with random women or men, etc. people feel the need to be whores. This goes for men and women. Life is a game they only get to play once, as they so often like to remind people. I've opened so many doors for people without being thanked or even acknowledged. A select few have even had the audacity to look at me like I did something wrong.
People of the internet, I implore you, acknowledge and encourage this behavior whenever and wherever you witness it. Encourage people to get off their ass and make something of themselves. HR people, focus more on a person's willingness to learn rather than their amount of student loans. A degree doesn't beget work ethics. Men, stop listening to pop music. I don't mean stop enjoying it, but stop applying it to your daily life. Open doors, stop calling each other "nigga" and stop calling women "bitches" if you don't know them (some truly are though, and that can't be helped).
Do these things and we can bring back the Sir.
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